Saturday, April 11, 2015

Dubai Diaries : Mamzar Beach Park

Located at the border of Dubai and Sharjah,  Al Mamzar Beach / Beach Park is good weekend getaway.

People usually come here for Barbecue get together. You can get your own BBQ material but if not the park offers BBQ Stove Stands where you can arrange  and cook your food.

Music is allowed but its good to respect other people and play it loud as much as you and your group can hear it.

Its a long stretch and usually crowded on weekends.

Beaches are the only place where I feel close to nature in the UAE. The sea water is clean and perfect for a swim. I avoid going in the water on weekends though. A dip in sea early morning is much better before the crowd gets in.

The beach is kept clean and so are the changing rooms and  wash rooms. Since the Jumeriah beach park is closed down until next year 2016. Most of the crowd heads to Mamzar beach.

My Best time for visit to the beach is early morning for a swim, that's the open beach and early noon for a BBQ.

I 'm yet to experience the evening bbq session as I have only been there in the day time.

The night sky as usual is very beautiful.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dubai Diaries: Deira City Center

Deira City Center is located in the heart of Dubai. 15 mins from the nearest Airport on a good day.

It is the only huge mall in its vicinity and hence has the strategic location advantage, The mall is just like any other normal mall in UAE, but is hugely crowded.

It is connected to the metro Deira City Center Station.

DCC is the best escape for people who travel by metro and live towards Bur Dubai, Deira side.On their way on weekends they just hop on the metro and get to the mall.

DCC has Vox Cinemas. When I compare this theatre to other theatres in Dubai, DCC Vox Cinemas have the most advanced booked seats.

I usually go here because its very close to my home. It is a common hangout for most of the working class people.

When you shop for the same brands in the bigger malls, DCC prices are cheaper in the same shops for the same products. There is everything here that's there in other Malls but this mall is always crowded and sale season result in stocks getting sold out much faster than other places in Dubai.

DCC has some real good brands and I find their staff polite and respectful. It was the nearest Carrefore until one Opened up recently at Bur Juman, Bur Dubai.

DCC is the mall where I began my visits when I was new to Dubai. So do many new comers as well. Getting used to this mall will give you an idea of how malls are around the city. Before you step in to the lavish and luxurious malls of Uptown and Down town Dubai.

DCC you dont have to bother to look your best. You will find people in casual clothes and sneakers and Crocs walking around, which is quite not common in the other malls like MOE or Dubai Mall.

People may roam around in the bigger malls but the last minute shopping is always at DCC .The theatre is as per Vox Standards.

DCC is a simple yet a great escape for weekends. Just relax and watch a great movie. Snack at the food court and do some low cost shopping.

The Art of Speaking Less

Proverbs 17:28 "Even a fool who keeps Silent is considered wise, when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent"

I don't speak much I rather prefer to write my thoughts to reassure myself. I'm quite an introvert trying to enjoy life in the world of young and energetic extroverts.

Talking Minds:

Talking according to me is a two way communication. In two different Directions. When one speaks the other is consuming the information and vice verse. But here is the catch , what we think while we talk. 

A person will always share his part but it is never in his or her control who the recipient is processing the information as. As simple as follows

If A tells B "Bring me a glass of water"

B understands but conditions may be that 1) A needs help 2) A is very busy to do his own work 3) A may be a lazy ass. Depending on what B understands relies the secret of a relationship.

When we tell out problems, some hot new gossip, or share general information we open our mind to the front person we speak to. Hence we have to be careful of what we speak as we cannot control what the other person thinks not only about what we speak but how we speak. They judge us in ways we will never known , until reading mind and thoughts is possible.

Speaking less and taking time to respond when you want to communicate is very important
I have always had Male co-workers in my team. Just once I worked with a team of females.

The difference is easy to spot. Men do not like talking too much  about a thing. Even if they do they speak in bullet points. That is how women too should be speaking in bullet points. We will save a lot of agony over running around the bush discussions, which will eventually land to the same conclusions as men but in a complex manner.

Talk to build and not destroy:

The key to speaking less is to think before speaking. We want to place opinions & we demand quick responses. But we should be slow in talking. No matter how angry we are, how much excited we are about sharing how girl looked at the party, funny dress and experience. With too many words we get caught up in delivering the essence of  a conversation.

Imagine if we think before we speak, we will avoid the embarrassment cause by not speaking to the point. We will not be lost in transition. We might avoid gossiping and speaking bad about others. We will be able to be a good judge of situations and create an understanding of how to share things

Consequences of Talking too much :

With soo many applications to communicate easily, talking has become an essential part of life.
Unlike before when wife would wait for a letter from her husband take sometime, think and reply.

Now, everything is quick and soo quick that we don't think about the consequences of what we speak.

When I deleted a very well known application for chatting from my Cellphone. I was at first scared of loosing my friends. I may have hurt their feelings.But then I realised that it changed my life in many ways.

I didn't want to be felt needed by people, I enjoyed myself by not talking. There was a sense of satisfaction by not replying to 20 Good morning messages and another 20 good night texts.

We all sleep and by Gods Grace we all wake up. My phone feels more lively with me in control of what I speak.If I miss any of my friends I ring them up and speak for 2 mins. Yes, it costs me but its better than keeping in touch on chats and talking and waiting for replies.

Negativity is somehow innate in humans. We like to hear, read, talk or write something negative than positive.

We need to understand before we talk, is it going to help?, is it going to bring positive change?, is it the right time?

Filtering ears:

I learnt this from my guy, to keep filtering ears.

His ears are small and so is his wonderful sense of getting things to the point and speaking less. When we listen too much we tend to talk and empathize in the same manner. But what if we processed information just as we want it? The front person may have a long story but we should learn to listen. Listen what is required and reply accordingly.

We will pay attention too many things 
Harry said , " He didn't have milk in the morning, he has job issues,he has unpaid bills, he is sobbing his wife ran away, he is feeling lonely"

The filtering ear listens to everything and will say" Harry, find a job and things will be better"

The more you say you need to take a revenge on your wife, bash your ex boss, ask for money from a friend to pay some dues, or you yourself try and lend some money etc

People with this kind of mentality are known to give facts, Hard facts but true facts ,which will hurt you for a while but will only help you focus on the right thing, than thinking about 10 other useless things which are not important.

It just makes you wise.

The more you learn to listen and respond , the more you learn to speak wisely. Speak less and consume more information. No matter what people say, you don't need to rush with your thoughts to be put in to words.

Always speak to bring a positive change in the life of others.

Master OOgway: Spoke less and spoke wise

Friday, March 13, 2015

An affair with Nature : Mahableshwar and Panchgani

After Working for 3 years without any vacation I finally decided to take a break...

Early January, the announcement came that our company would shut down and all those working would be laid off. Our company tried its best to get many placed. But a chill ran down my spine. I was in tears, not because I had lost my job or I was worried of what the future would hold. I was simply low because I had struggled to much, scarified too much to let go something dear to me. My job at my firm was something  I enjoyed. For those 9 hours of my Life, I would love to give my 100% and someone takes it away from you. The sad part is, it happened twice in one year...

It when I decided to take a break, head to India to gather some strength and positivity before I could get on track with the " Struggles of working class"

I left from Dubai to India on  a Friday. My tickets booked, shopped some stuff, bags packed all in two days time. As I landed , same morning I headed with my sisters to Mahableshwar and Panchgani. Located in Satara, about 3 to 3 and 1/2 Hour drive from Pune, Maharashtra.

Leaving a desert country and visiting a hill station is was like a Natures Gift.Everything stood still, green and beautiful.Nature in its pure form. The air I breathe was soo fresh and cold.The moment we started to approach the weather would just get better and better. I would love to fall in love with beauty surrounding me at that time again and again.

Only when you have been away you know what Home is.

I had missed nature for almost 3 years of my life. Working in a metro city , the daily hustle bustle of life, I had forgotten to live. I would look at the skies and always wonder if I could ever hug nature soon. The whole universe led me to find this beautiful place. Even when there are various places around the world people would go this was my escape from the life I lived.

Every time I now looked at sky I thanked God getting me to such a beautiful place and the much needed time for myself. I was surrounded by people but I let my soul free in the arms of Nature. I was at a place where I could feel very close to God. His marvelous creation of nature.

We can boast about how tall the buildings are and technologically advanced a city is. But for me this place was untapped creeping concrete jungle, loved all the wild beings. I would look up at the skies and just Thank God and the rains...

The rains: The rains in Mahableshwar as most would say would not provide you a pleasant stay. But I love rains. I had secretly wished for it. It drizzled and then came the down pour.Its the best time you can be travelling the roads are beautiful, rainbow in the valley, the fog and low visibility . I would look out of the car window, until the rain drops would wet my cheek and clear the make up I was wearing. How funny it is to loved by nature, be true to yourself and then you move ahead in life. Accept all truth just like Buddha said and I allowed the rains to help me feel it.

Mahableshwar and Panchgani , are places where people go for weekend fun, family picnic, honeymoon perhaps as well. Who knew this place would bring me back my breathe which I had lost in achieving life goals. Working day in and out, the pressure, the fear of failure, the fear of letting your loved ones down, not living up the dream.. 

and then you have these tall trees who stand there for years teaching you be alive in whatever situation you are. You have the rains to which will keep pouring you have to learn to cleanse yourself and brace your real nature. You have the mountains soo huge , if you come from a  desert place and you see mountains you would be a fool not to admire the beauty of the huge mass of land. Immediately, my mind recites Matt 17.20" if you have faith as much as the size of a mustard seed, you will move mountains"  

A wonderful peaceful place to reconnect with the lost you. To take a break, think and most of all to have an affair with nature.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Day in a Life of an Accounts Payable

"This story is about Natalie. The character named after my aunt, who I'm seen working tirelessly since the time I saw her for the first time and knew she was my aunt"

It’s the 21st Century and people have forgotten about miracles. For Natalie though, everyday was a miracle. She was home, had quit her job, was broke and had picked up odd jobs to meet her expenses. She didn't like being dependent on anyone but here she was slowly starting to get dependent on her family and friends.
Due to the economic crisis it was difficult to find a job. One related to what she wanted was far off. Jumbled up in thoughts about studies, given up career, and odd jobs one noon after returning from a super market she got an interview call. She was very excited. But, kept her hopes low because she had been rejected more than a dozen of times
Miracles happen!
Next morning she had to go for the interview. She was about an hour early. Dressed in formal attire. Her brother dropped her off. She always felt her brother was her lucky charm. He was too shy but he would open up and say “Hey, all the best”. She sat at the reception and prayed. This office was young. The walls painted in blue, green, yellow, red. Everything was calm and made a wonderful surrounding. It was difficult to feel tensed.
Natalie sat watching the walls painted and how the various pictures were connected to each other. Her name was called and she went in. She gave a the interview . Was screened twice, under the Finance Manager and then the CFO.
She did her best and left. She came home, laid on the bed and thought about the interview.  She took her Apple, and began to type a thank you Message to the company, when the phone rang.
It was the HR and she gave her the news that she was finally hired!

Tears of joy and a happy weekend was finally over and she had a first day at work. Soon she realized her job was a bit demanding, people around her were professional. Coming from a background of odd jobs she had now taken up her career seriously and found that she was far behind. Even though she had never done accounting for a large firm before. She managed to get through the month and then it was the company meeting that announced she had out performed her peers.

She left her home early morning and was on time. Never before she thought that being punctual was difficult task. She sat and jolted down the  payments for the day and prepared them. She had for the first time in her life kept her work above her personal life.

By 9am the office was full.

Sales personnel would stop by her desk and ask if their merchant payments were ready. She was strictly told to advice everyone to drop emails. Natalie was soft at heart. She would check their payments then and there and give them an update. It was when her boss strictly warned her about concentrating on achieving self goals first, before helping others. She learned what was detailing. To pay attention to minute errors ,build perfection.

At some point of time in life when you are young you want to do many things seriously. But seriously its not possible. You always have to have one goal at a time, and in that one goal you have to break it into small pieces and each it bit by bit. It’s very easy to get diverted and make a mistake but that’s what accounting is different about you can’t be distracted you cannot afford a mistake. It money and money is dear to everyone. One penny less or one penny more there is a complain,  so as to why?

Soon it is 1pm Natalie finishes her daily payments checks her phone takes a quick break and sorts the courier.

Her office had strict timings for cheque collection.

 The story starts at 3pm when the rich merchant representatives come in, to receive their cheques. They are usually tired and 10 to 15 minutes early. They wait for the watch to tick 3PM and Natalie receives a call from the reception.

These are drivers, assistants, secretary. They are always sharp on time. They have a tired look on their faces as they patiently wait for their turn. Natalie gets their payments and they leave without a smile. The money they take goes to their bosses. It would make Natalie think maybe they never get the share for coming far off in the heat and collect money for their companies.
Some of them are quite, sit innocently. Natalie was barely turning 25, but people were aware of her and knew it was not good to upset her with their behavior.

Slowly its 3:30pm when the cheque collection guys arrive. These are hired by huge multinational companies who cannot afford to send their own representative to receive their payments. These men aged young to 60 years old. Who would carry a receipt book and a pouch to dump all the cheques they receive. They would too wait patiently and sign only after checking of all the documents were in place. They would then respectfully say a good-bye. Their manners matter to keep them in business.

At 4pm it was the time for the courier guy to come in. He is asked to wait for a few minutes. He rushes to the pantry, drinks a glass of cold refreshing water and makes himself a cup of tea. Natalie would then get the payments to be couriered and take his signature on the copies. He seems happy to meet Natalie. She calls him his elder brother. He sees to it that there is no mistake that would put Natalie in trouble. He smiles and says a good-bye.

Its 4:30pm when the merchant themselves turn up in office. These kinds are funny. Some are arrogant, some are calm, some just take their payment and leave. There are the ones who seek for more information. They mentioned about future collaboration and potential business.

Among-st these are kind people. Like she encountered a lovely pregnant lady. May be at the peek of her pregnancy. She was told her payment would be due tomorrow. She smiled and said she would come back again. Not arrogant and no anger just a pretty smile.
Encountering few elderly people who still worked for self dependence we grateful and smiled.

It is a wonderful thing to pay others and see them smile. Their happiness is because their hard work has paid off. It’s the company that pays but she was the face of the company who was in contact with the people.

Natalie always strives for perfection and the journey still continues…

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Movie review : Queen

After watching the trailer in the theatre itself I decided I had to watch this movie.

Since not many theatres were screening the movie . I finally made it to the second week show at the multiplex. We went to the counter to get our tickets booked. But shows until mid night were sold out. We finally made it to another multiplex luckily getting  the tickets.
 Review: Queen
The movie began with a blast about Rani's mehndi ceremony. Preparing for a wedding that never happened. The guy backs off due to reasons and she is left heart broken. 3 Days before her marriage she is told that she won't be a bride. 
The scene that made me cry here was when she gets out of the cafe and gets back in. She trembles and cries that she is not willing to breakup. She wants to stay together but her fiancé  doesn't bother. He tries to explain her his point of view.
I realised recently how my life. I could feel myself in her place at that time. Sometimes I feel men are made of stone. Would they ever trust and feel the love than believing the evidence? Which speaks otherwise. Gradually when things fall in place, the truth is out ,we too have to forget and move on... Same ways
The scene where her father gets her tea. Made me realise how I'm dependent on my parents for morning tea. While I'm in bed the tea is always ready when I wake up. I know I won't have this luxury later in my life. It just made me feel very blessed to have caring parents throughout my life.
Same way how they send her on her own to Paris but be in contact with her about her whereabouts.

The movie isn't a love story and that's what is different about it unlike other Bollywood movies which are dependent on love stories only. 

At times when her fiancé would try to meet her and dominate her , was a constant reminder of self life to me. Something that comes under the umbrella of being caring. Sometimes you find yourself caught up in situations and expect someone to understand you. But they cross question you about the situation. Making us answer ,questions ,which you don't want to answer. Sometimes all you need is a hug. But you have to stand in the court and be judge before you are shown mercy.

The time when the Japanese guy in the movie is shown making her feel better was amazing too. Sometimes what we are going through in life is still bearable for a person who is going through the worst.

I'm blessed to have a fiancé who loves me soo much. And after difficult steps in life ,we turn out to be more understanding and loving towards each other. 

This movie was about a family with a daughter. And how things revolve around a girls life. How easily we are influenced and how easy we are left heart broken. We take it all and be strong. Learning from mistakes and doing what is right.

Listening to parents is a good thing because they are the only ones who want  good for you, Selflessly  .


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Book Review : Inside the Space Ships

An amazing book that I read recently. My appetite for sci fi started through reading the Bible. I really feel there is no harm , in believing that there are things / beings out there and we are a part of the universe and not the only beings here. There may be many evidences against these things but in the end " it is what you chose to believe"@Elizabeth Shaw: from Prometheus

My hunt for INSS (inside the space ships) , started with a thought to read a good book on not-so-obvious , we-are-not-alone subject. I typed it in google and found this as one of the best selling ones. As I thought , the book didn't disappoint me.

Few things that I truly believed while reading this are as follows,
" Speed to us", was the reply. " does not mean what it does to you.: For once the ship is launched in to outer space, the speed of the ship is equal to the activity in space! Instead of being artificially propelled, as are your planes, ours travel on the currents of space"
this easily explained how travelling was easier to depend on the forces in Space than using fuel combustion. This is what we now strive for. A permanent source of energy.
the book also speaks of how foolishly we name the asteroids, stars etc and are also looking to build a military base on the moon. It's true. We hear about this in news and how easy it will be to travel in space in a few years. 

The book very much emphasises on the knowledge to live in peace and then in harmony we can move towards the wisdom of the universe.

The Master , according to George Adamski, says really good and simple things, yet hard to achieve by us humans.

" Yes" the master said ," it is very much like that, and as your scientists work on this principle, more understanding will come to them. For nature herself will reveal her secrets to all who seek with open mind" Beautiful Beautiful.
" Thoughts are again received and transmitted in exact same way as the radio, along certain wave lenghts , but minus any instrument. We work directly from Brain to Brain, and here again distance is no barrier"

I couldn't help myself from being amazed, if this was ever possible, we could cover distances in no time. How we can mange this to be a reality , still too much of time. We would be dependent on us more than any artificial instrument. A hope that our mind is capable of doing more than what it is currently doing with the help of other instruments.
"Quite simple" he explained," it is still a very powerful thought picture in what you might call the " the back of your mind". 'Few people", he went on ," recognize those destructive emotions within themselves for what they are and even those who pride themselves on possessing mild disposition. Yet notice what a small incident is necessary to cause a man to lose temper . While, with a little more aggravation, he enters the fighting stage and he becomes aggressive in what he calls" self protection"
" Actually, this is nothing but a state of emotional unbalance that carries with it a force of fury that sheds all reason. Once recognized, such habit patterns can be curbed, or even broken"

The encounter with the beings was a peaceful one. Quite contradictory to the movies I seen. One such movie Prometheus. Beautifully made. I'm yet to understand things about the universe and its relation to my religion. But then there was no harm in reading this book. It only spoke of our capabilities and how , if we are able to control our we can do the things that seem impossible.

My encounter with a doctor here in the Middle East, he happened to be my friends neighbour. She complained to him that I wasn't eating and that I was on a strict diet. She told him to provide me with some tips.

He seemed happy to help but I was rather disappointed by what he told me.  I sat with with a note book and pencil to take notes. While he just told me, " Vanessa,my dear, the diet and the intention to lose weight starts  here ( he said pointing his finger towards his head)" He said it all starts with the mind. You control your mind and you can control everything. Not that I have followed his rule. But then it did click me on how some of us truly understand the power of the mind.

Even Jesus, has said "Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind; that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God."(Romans 12:2)

Sin starts from the mind, hence we need to guard our mind. Once we are able to guard our mind against the evil , only then  can move ahead. For me its like energy. Mind is the energy.  We can shift it from bad to good and once we have put our mind on the forces of good we can gain what we think is impossible , what we once thought, was completely out of our hands.

On page 57 ,of the book they speak about love. How it is supposed to be free, et, here on Earth, we believe in the power of possession of love. We allow it no freedom and also forget to respect on another.

Really amazing stuff happens on page 74. " So for the reasons that I have just mentioned , the Earth in our system was chosen for the new home of these unruly ones from many planets and outside our system. ( explaining the concept of fallen angels) , these exiles , what you on Earth call them , ' trouble makers. We could neither destroy or  nor confine them, since that is contrary to the universal laws. But as these people were all of the same arrogant nature, it was felt that, since none would yield to the other, they would eventually be forced to work out their own harmony. These are the true source of your original '12 tribes' on Earth."

The story goes on where they were sent to earth without any help. According to my reading from the Dead sea scrolls. This was true. We were put down on Earth. God sent us help time to time. From agriculture to pottery to building tools. 

The book amazes me at all the the chapters. The use of Earth and Universal forces for travelling. The ability to exchange thought through mind without the use of any communication instrument. The picture about telepathy was not clearly mentioned but never the less its also not mentioned that it was impossible. 

The book was a wonderful read. I loved it mostly because I could relate to it. 

I wish to read more such books.