Saturday, July 27, 2013

outside the office window :) when it rains in the Middle East

Resisting Temptations: Discipline

I was sitting and sipping my tea early morning on my weekend when I thought of seeing a video online of Joyce Mayer. She has always inspired me in a funny way to love God. And how silly a person can be blinded in his own understanding for God.
    I then, was listening to her , when she kept on saying the whenever we face problems in life the it is a war in our head, it occurred to me , yes, that a true story.
   While we read the Bible or rather say before reading it, we think of N number of things. This is the Satan working. When I was a kid and read Bible Satan always came near me and told me silently, 'God, will understand, common one episode of the daily cartoon show"
   A little grown up he would say ," aah, its ok, you need to have your beauty sleep tonight for tomorrows birthday party at your friends, God won't mind"
   Then now, that I'm a full grown up person trying to be in Gods grace, avoiding the temptations and esp reading about how God requires us to be most possible way of hygiene and cleanliness before we read the Word. Satan would say " ahh, you need to take a shower," " you haven't worn the right clothing"
  This Guy Satan is like a fellow who knows you well inside out. He studies with you. He knows the Bible on the Tip of his tongue more than you do. He will twist the scriptures and try and keep you away from God,and the best Part id you won't realize it. Because you would feel ahh,I guess that needs to be done.

 What happens next, there is an amazing scripture in Philippians Chapter 2: 'Therefore my dear friends, you have not only obeyed in my presence but also in my absence, continue to workout your salvation with fear and trembling,for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose, do everything without grumbling or arguing,so that you may become Blameless and Pure, Children of God WITHOUT FAULT in a warped and Crooked generation, and then you will shine among them like starts in the sky as you hold firmly to Word of life"

Keep life simple. Keep life disciplined. If I could only tell you what God has to offer us all. Gifts and soo many gifts. We have to be blameless. Yes, a small perfect word for being God's child.
  If Satan ever tries to tell you to do things last minute before reading the Bible, think of it. What is essential? If you have prioritized your life a fixed time in the day / Night for the WORD of God. Nothing can stop you. The key to everything is Discipline. All the causes of my failure in Life is discipline. It because at some point of time I went out of my way to prioritize other things in life. But, now I know where I went wrong and where I can improve myself.
     We have to fight Satan by being blameless and accepting the Truth, Only then it will set you free. A lost loved one, a feeling of betrayal in the past, a big loss of finance, just put your problem here ______________________ and accept it. There is no one on Earth whom you think that you need to answer. Action your ways in which you think God the Father will approve of it.  Discipline your life. Give time for the word. Once you strive towards becoming blameless Satan won't have a say in Your life. By Doing things that Please God and Right in His sight, why would He harm you? (I will surely write about God's Plans in my next write up.)
      There is soo much to learn from the Bible that no other books can teach. I'm working in the Finance department of my early career, I can relate my work to the scriptures in Bible. Be it the team leadership, about money, about relations and about everything. Bible is you answer to everything. It is the only weapon you can use against Satan.

Warning: Having discipline in Life is not an easy job. But start one step at a time and feel happy about it and take another. Be glad you have a gift to read and understand. Listen to those who have ears and don't ignore what Discipline can do to you:)

Monday, July 15, 2013

'The Tol Mol ka Jeena' : A lesson for Life

Isn't it truly been always and always said" people come in your life to either be with you forever or teach you a lesson"

So... the story began last year October, when I had a change of my job. As we all know a job that is career oriented always has a low pay in the beginning, as what matters is your growth in the field. I worked a couple of months on a very very low pay. Thinking that I could conquer this career path of mine by a mere 2 to 3 months of experience. I gave N number of interviews looking for a suitable post. But I lacked in experience.

Lesson No 1 Learnt: No matter how much you have studied , the real world is completely different to the text books

Yes, I lacked the experience also During this course of time I concentrated/concentrating on getting my basics straight because no matter how high the degree shines, you should always know why the a= l +c. and all the beating around the bush that goes on around that equation. It can get quite stingy at times too.

then ..I never ever saved money in my life. Living paycheck to paycheck because I hadn't got out of the shell of my parents paying the fees and monthly pocket/ purse money. So I had nothing to worry about. I kept spending. I seen a few close friends of mine who were the sole earners to their families.I seen friends bargaining even at a grocery store which has MRP on a pack of biscuits or girls screaming and making friends with the shop keeper just because he/she can give you some more discount on the clothes you buy. It didn't bother me.Like seriously . I spend money on friends , helping them at their month end time. I never bargained at the grocery store or the local stores for even a penny, I felt sympathy as what harm would it do to me to give them 10 Bucks extra.
    I never actually bothered until the time when I seen a very close person of mine very wisely gifted told me about savings. Umm..yeh savings.Not earning much but saving. Yes, this is the person who came into my life and taught me the meaning of being independent and of course handling money. Did I mention I am a finance major post graduate?eerr yikes I know.

Lesson No 2Learnt : A Frugal in need is no Frugal indeed :D

now I started to save past few Months trying my best, It hasn't been satisfactory but I do end up having some cash carried forward to the next month. I liked to read it on my bank statement for the first time. I have started to invest in things I really really need. Not my wants. When I let go off the branded labels of my wardrobe, I have started to find clothes in the mall really silly. All though the bargain shops have limited size of clothes I have decided to put shopping aside for a few days. I loved eating alone and with friends treating them all the time.

   Well, with being frugal Things have become a bit disciplined in life. I have started to work on my weight and also doing good at it. It is a continuous struggle, and a difficult things. But weight issues, I'd better write about it when I achieve my goal weight by this year end. So, back to begin frugal , I love to read a lot. Anything that I get in my hand, I just love to see it and consume it all. Sometimes eating and reading seem the same darn thing to me :P
       I decided that I had to save. I stopped helping people. I stopped giving unnecessary gifts and surprises to people. I realized I was the only one playing the part in that relationship. I waited for gifts and surprises. But nothing came my way. I started to feel this world is not what it exactly looked like. Everyone does thing to you according to their wish. It was high time I got my wishes to make others happy under control. People can bare you fat but not bare you if you don't spend.I decided lets put it to test. I asked my near and dear ones to fulfill my wishes. because at one point of time I was showering them with gifts and surprises. Not to see that how much can one do for me but just that can anyone make me feel special? so frugal in need is no frugal indeed. I didn't find anyone by my side. Nothing came my way. something like "howri"( a Hindi word) was said to me. I was way to shocked. I had never asked anything from anyone. I was a good girl until then but then you just take a pause and reverse things. You get things straight.

Lesson No 3 Learnt: Tol Mol ke Jeena
Living life with measures. Keeping silent listening. I never was a show off nor did I want to tell people around me how much I did for them and put them down. But it was just a reality check. In which all failed. yes, ALL.
     I feel very grateful to God that He has given me this strength to over come this Truth a bitter one of course about life. Through this journey I started to read a book( e-book I downloaded for free) "Millionaire next door" by someone I don't remember now. But this book is pretty old, this is how I got it downloaded as the copyrights expired. All they focused on is "you being you favorite charity.", "Save by paying yourself first", beautiful book written long time ago.(Author is Thomas J Stanley just recalled), it is very elaborate on how to save and be frugal in life. Not a MISER but Frugal.
     I'm learning to save from the very bits that I earn. I spend only on what is required and save. Greater the number on the bank statement greater is the happiness. N no of course I don't treat my self any more at Dukin Doughnuts and KFC for saving. Things have changed a lot for me and soon will change for everyone around me.I'm yet to complete the book few more pages left. Because the excitement of having free books online made me download soo many. I'm working on limiting needs. well , thats a work in progress I must say.

Stay healthy and Stay Frugal  \\m//

Monday, May 20, 2013

My Bundle of Joy

Snowie My Female Pomeranian

  She is a good 11 years old. I got her when I was in 8th Grade and now through all my education all set to begin a new phase of my life.
   She was 2 Months old when I got her. Since then she is my youngest sibling and most loved member of my Family* Envy sometimes**seriously* . We have had fights in our house where my mom would side her and I would end up crying in the bed room. But she is loved more than ever.
   Since we moved from more than 3 houses , she has traveled with us throughout. She is very well adaptive to the surroundings. She is way too beautiful and has many dogs in the society having an eye on her. She never had puppies though.
   She is very sensitive to emotions.Understand each and everyone. I feel she can talk through her barking all the time. She insists and keeps barking for things she wants. Her greatest joy is her belt and neck tie. She will be good to the person the whole damn day who ever takes the pleasure of taking her for a morning stroll.
My failed attempts to make her sleep on her bed were in vain. She got used to the home furniture and beds. She even understood when the maid came in she would get up and do the cleaning.She was fur my maid had a tough time.
  In India the most popular food for dogs is Pedigree . My Dog never had it. Instead she chummed on other stuff. We kept her vegetarian most of the time as Meat would make/makes her behavior a bit aggressive. It is normal for dogs to be like that. * DND when she is chewing on her bone*
    She was 6 years old when we shifted to Pune India. Our lives got a bit busy. College and extra circular activities . My mom used to be with her most of the time.Thats when the bond between Snowie and my Mom increased and till date she is mommy's girl.
       We shifted to Dubai 3 years ago. She was flown by Emirates Cargo to UAE. We tried keeping her with my aunt but when I returned to see her not happy but very glommy. We couldn't bare keeping her away from us.
     The good days. That year made us realize how Important she was and how life was not the same with her not around. She has grown double her weight now. Adapted very well to the climate of UAE. Initially she had fur problems, but we treated her a pet clinic in Dubai. Her micro chipping and injections made us low at heart. She had to go through a lot before making it on the plane. But Emirates took good care and she was wide awake while she waited the cargo pickup point. Barked and barked with Joy!!!
       She is under the strict care of my parents and me and my brother. We are more like 3 siblings rather than 2. She is the first thing we want to go and feel when we wake up( me and bro). It makes her upset if we don't kiss her. Her favorite snack is Nature's Way meat cubes. You will find her sitting and staring the the fridge for more of it.
    She sleeps most of the time. her favorite seat is the front seat in the car.Not to forget she has visited almost all the places that we have visited along with us. She is used to travelling through and fro Mumbai-Pune kazillion times.
      Her eyes tell her age but her voice is the same. I wish her good health too. * She is slightly over weight*

So if people are keen on having a pet from fish to dogs to birds think a lot before buying it is nothing less than adopting a baby. A lot of care. The vet visits. Pulling them in the hospital. Not to forget they smell the Hospital miles away before we get there. The tics, the bathing, shampooing, brushing teeth and the hair. She loves the blow dyer after bath. the towel games after bath. Running behind them so that your house doesn't turn wet and  slippery. Cranky maids. Unwell days of a dog as same as us. Vomiting, dysentery, worming, etc.  They have to be taken care of a lot. it isn't easy but it always worth the wet tongue licking when your are home tired from work. A sight Bum-touch-tail- on-your-face when you are low or angry etc. Making funny sounds and playing around. A member of your family who has energy 24*7 day or night fetch  we play.