Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Day in a Life of an Accounts Payable

"This story is about Natalie. The character named after my aunt, who I'm seen working tirelessly since the time I saw her for the first time and knew she was my aunt"

It’s the 21st Century and people have forgotten about miracles. For Natalie though, everyday was a miracle. She was home, had quit her job, was broke and had picked up odd jobs to meet her expenses. She didn't like being dependent on anyone but here she was slowly starting to get dependent on her family and friends.
Due to the economic crisis it was difficult to find a job. One related to what she wanted was far off. Jumbled up in thoughts about studies, given up career, and odd jobs one noon after returning from a super market she got an interview call. She was very excited. But, kept her hopes low because she had been rejected more than a dozen of times
Miracles happen!
Next morning she had to go for the interview. She was about an hour early. Dressed in formal attire. Her brother dropped her off. She always felt her brother was her lucky charm. He was too shy but he would open up and say “Hey, all the best”. She sat at the reception and prayed. This office was young. The walls painted in blue, green, yellow, red. Everything was calm and made a wonderful surrounding. It was difficult to feel tensed.
Natalie sat watching the walls painted and how the various pictures were connected to each other. Her name was called and she went in. She gave a the interview . Was screened twice, under the Finance Manager and then the CFO.
She did her best and left. She came home, laid on the bed and thought about the interview.  She took her Apple, and began to type a thank you Message to the company, when the phone rang.
It was the HR and she gave her the news that she was finally hired!

Tears of joy and a happy weekend was finally over and she had a first day at work. Soon she realized her job was a bit demanding, people around her were professional. Coming from a background of odd jobs she had now taken up her career seriously and found that she was far behind. Even though she had never done accounting for a large firm before. She managed to get through the month and then it was the company meeting that announced she had out performed her peers.

She left her home early morning and was on time. Never before she thought that being punctual was difficult task. She sat and jolted down the  payments for the day and prepared them. She had for the first time in her life kept her work above her personal life.

By 9am the office was full.

Sales personnel would stop by her desk and ask if their merchant payments were ready. She was strictly told to advice everyone to drop emails. Natalie was soft at heart. She would check their payments then and there and give them an update. It was when her boss strictly warned her about concentrating on achieving self goals first, before helping others. She learned what was detailing. To pay attention to minute errors ,build perfection.

At some point of time in life when you are young you want to do many things seriously. But seriously its not possible. You always have to have one goal at a time, and in that one goal you have to break it into small pieces and each it bit by bit. It’s very easy to get diverted and make a mistake but that’s what accounting is different about you can’t be distracted you cannot afford a mistake. It money and money is dear to everyone. One penny less or one penny more there is a complain,  so as to why?

Soon it is 1pm Natalie finishes her daily payments checks her phone takes a quick break and sorts the courier.

Her office had strict timings for cheque collection.

 The story starts at 3pm when the rich merchant representatives come in, to receive their cheques. They are usually tired and 10 to 15 minutes early. They wait for the watch to tick 3PM and Natalie receives a call from the reception.

These are drivers, assistants, secretary. They are always sharp on time. They have a tired look on their faces as they patiently wait for their turn. Natalie gets their payments and they leave without a smile. The money they take goes to their bosses. It would make Natalie think maybe they never get the share for coming far off in the heat and collect money for their companies.
Some of them are quite, sit innocently. Natalie was barely turning 25, but people were aware of her and knew it was not good to upset her with their behavior.

Slowly its 3:30pm when the cheque collection guys arrive. These are hired by huge multinational companies who cannot afford to send their own representative to receive their payments. These men aged young to 60 years old. Who would carry a receipt book and a pouch to dump all the cheques they receive. They would too wait patiently and sign only after checking of all the documents were in place. They would then respectfully say a good-bye. Their manners matter to keep them in business.

At 4pm it was the time for the courier guy to come in. He is asked to wait for a few minutes. He rushes to the pantry, drinks a glass of cold refreshing water and makes himself a cup of tea. Natalie would then get the payments to be couriered and take his signature on the copies. He seems happy to meet Natalie. She calls him his elder brother. He sees to it that there is no mistake that would put Natalie in trouble. He smiles and says a good-bye.

Its 4:30pm when the merchant themselves turn up in office. These kinds are funny. Some are arrogant, some are calm, some just take their payment and leave. There are the ones who seek for more information. They mentioned about future collaboration and potential business.

Among-st these are kind people. Like she encountered a lovely pregnant lady. May be at the peek of her pregnancy. She was told her payment would be due tomorrow. She smiled and said she would come back again. Not arrogant and no anger just a pretty smile.
Encountering few elderly people who still worked for self dependence we grateful and smiled.

It is a wonderful thing to pay others and see them smile. Their happiness is because their hard work has paid off. It’s the company that pays but she was the face of the company who was in contact with the people.

Natalie always strives for perfection and the journey still continues…