Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Music

Its been around 12 years since I was introduced to rock music. When I heard it I used it to do better in my games at school and slowly I feel in love with the music.
People expect the rock and Goth cultured people to be subtle and strong. They say its easier for them because they don't give a damn for anything in this world. They have a harsh language and are rude to the world.
  But to me they are the most sensitive people. They have gone through life a lot and learn to live life. They have a soft heart and care. They stay close to their loved ones till the end. They write about everything they feel and what is true unlike just drugs and sex.
  It provides a sense of satisfaction and completeness in the minds of the people. They can fight the loneliness and stand again because loneliness is just another friend who keeps walking by.
  After a failure today I feel alone but my music is next to me. Walking down home from taking tough decisions at work place I gathered peace. It wasn't just a walk but putting things behind which are unnecessary in life. It is so important to hold on to love and let go others. Music gives me courage to write and faith keeps me strong.
   I wish for this time to pass a better tomorrow

Saturday, July 14, 2012

HOLY BIBLE and my War

BIBLE as I recently read on one of my fan pages is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
I'm inspired to write about Bible today is because I'm put down in faith by a very close person. We all read and share our journey with Bible. The more I read the more I want to know about it. The parables , the hymns, the lessons learnt, in all instructions for us to follow. It isn't a book I feel, it is a living being in itself. Whom we feel so close to when it is a part of our daily life.
 It is essential for us all to embrace it with love and guard it.
I'm learning and I feel satan is doing his best to keep me away from it. Recently a close person said to watch my playful behaviour and some how related it to me being a Christian. It wasn't expected. After having hours of argument I decided to think. Why will the most close person behave in such a rude way to me. It didn't take me on to analyse this and get back the broken pieces together.
God is watching our us. Because if we are blinded we may be given a chance, but not when we knowingly commit sins.
      Life's journey is a bit delicate when we read the Bible. We have to keep a tab on the most powerful weapon, THE TONGUE. If we know that God is forgiving and kind we should also know He gets angry at times when we don't follow his given instructions in Bible.
Life is simpler and easy when we have a Bible included in our daily needs. I have begun my journey towards following the Bible. I feel safer and my inner voice speaks to me more often. God not only tells us not to sin but He is with us till the very moment we commit the sin, to let us know it isn't right. I have faith and believe Him.
   Satan comes in our ways every now and then.  And only the Word of God can save us all.