Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Music

Its been around 12 years since I was introduced to rock music. When I heard it I used it to do better in my games at school and slowly I feel in love with the music.
People expect the rock and Goth cultured people to be subtle and strong. They say its easier for them because they don't give a damn for anything in this world. They have a harsh language and are rude to the world.
  But to me they are the most sensitive people. They have gone through life a lot and learn to live life. They have a soft heart and care. They stay close to their loved ones till the end. They write about everything they feel and what is true unlike just drugs and sex.
  It provides a sense of satisfaction and completeness in the minds of the people. They can fight the loneliness and stand again because loneliness is just another friend who keeps walking by.
  After a failure today I feel alone but my music is next to me. Walking down home from taking tough decisions at work place I gathered peace. It wasn't just a walk but putting things behind which are unnecessary in life. It is so important to hold on to love and let go others. Music gives me courage to write and faith keeps me strong.
   I wish for this time to pass a better tomorrow