Friday, March 13, 2015

An affair with Nature : Mahableshwar and Panchgani

After Working for 3 years without any vacation I finally decided to take a break...

Early January, the announcement came that our company would shut down and all those working would be laid off. Our company tried its best to get many placed. But a chill ran down my spine. I was in tears, not because I had lost my job or I was worried of what the future would hold. I was simply low because I had struggled to much, scarified too much to let go something dear to me. My job at my firm was something  I enjoyed. For those 9 hours of my Life, I would love to give my 100% and someone takes it away from you. The sad part is, it happened twice in one year...

It when I decided to take a break, head to India to gather some strength and positivity before I could get on track with the " Struggles of working class"

I left from Dubai to India on  a Friday. My tickets booked, shopped some stuff, bags packed all in two days time. As I landed , same morning I headed with my sisters to Mahableshwar and Panchgani. Located in Satara, about 3 to 3 and 1/2 Hour drive from Pune, Maharashtra.

Leaving a desert country and visiting a hill station is was like a Natures Gift.Everything stood still, green and beautiful.Nature in its pure form. The air I breathe was soo fresh and cold.The moment we started to approach the weather would just get better and better. I would love to fall in love with beauty surrounding me at that time again and again.

Only when you have been away you know what Home is.

I had missed nature for almost 3 years of my life. Working in a metro city , the daily hustle bustle of life, I had forgotten to live. I would look at the skies and always wonder if I could ever hug nature soon. The whole universe led me to find this beautiful place. Even when there are various places around the world people would go this was my escape from the life I lived.

Every time I now looked at sky I thanked God getting me to such a beautiful place and the much needed time for myself. I was surrounded by people but I let my soul free in the arms of Nature. I was at a place where I could feel very close to God. His marvelous creation of nature.

We can boast about how tall the buildings are and technologically advanced a city is. But for me this place was untapped creeping concrete jungle, loved all the wild beings. I would look up at the skies and just Thank God and the rains...

The rains: The rains in Mahableshwar as most would say would not provide you a pleasant stay. But I love rains. I had secretly wished for it. It drizzled and then came the down pour.Its the best time you can be travelling the roads are beautiful, rainbow in the valley, the fog and low visibility . I would look out of the car window, until the rain drops would wet my cheek and clear the make up I was wearing. How funny it is to loved by nature, be true to yourself and then you move ahead in life. Accept all truth just like Buddha said and I allowed the rains to help me feel it.

Mahableshwar and Panchgani , are places where people go for weekend fun, family picnic, honeymoon perhaps as well. Who knew this place would bring me back my breathe which I had lost in achieving life goals. Working day in and out, the pressure, the fear of failure, the fear of letting your loved ones down, not living up the dream.. 

and then you have these tall trees who stand there for years teaching you be alive in whatever situation you are. You have the rains to which will keep pouring you have to learn to cleanse yourself and brace your real nature. You have the mountains soo huge , if you come from a  desert place and you see mountains you would be a fool not to admire the beauty of the huge mass of land. Immediately, my mind recites Matt 17.20" if you have faith as much as the size of a mustard seed, you will move mountains"  

A wonderful peaceful place to reconnect with the lost you. To take a break, think and most of all to have an affair with nature.